Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thaiger Room

This evening I dragged my roommate down to the Ave. In search of a Thai restaurant that would satisfy our cravings, we ended up at Thaiger Room, which is located somewhere between 43rd and 42nd.

Upon entering my first thought was, "teriyaki joint?" but then the host waved us to the back of the restaurant, which looked a bit more appropriate.

The ambience wasn't exactly delightful- one reviewer wrote that it "feels like dining in a prison with IKEA lighting." However, I wasn't really bothered by this aspect, being starving and all.

Since I happened to be buying the dinner, I was pleased to discover that practically all of the entrees were in the 6 to 7 dollar range. Our dinner for two ended up being a mere $15.60, plus tip of course. It was worth it, too. The portions were big enough for two people to share- we'll be eating the leftovers another day.

The food itself was truly delicious. I ordered the red curry and was surprised to see it served on the same plate as the rice. This proved to be very convenient for mixing the two together- normally you have to spoon the curry onto the rice, which can be both time consuming and messy, or resulting in the dreaded "soggy rice" syndrome.

My roommate ordered the phad thai with tofu, which was also quite savory (she let me try some). Not necessarily the "end all be all" of phad thai, but then, I've had a lot of phad thai. And I must say that it was very good for my palate.

The service was not bad, either: it took a little over ten minutes for our food to come out. The waitstaff seemed friendly enough, and my water glass was refilled to my satisfaction.

Thaiger Room is similar to the average restaurant found in the U District: cheap. But it also tastes very, very good. Students and anyone else on a budget who also want to please their tastebuds should definitely give it a try.

Overall, the experience was a positive one. Good food + little money spent is enough to make me come again. I would recommend Thaiger Room to anyone who is looking for a fairly cheap but still edible meal.

read other reviews of Thaiger Room:

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